Steve Roberts, LLC
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While you may not know immediately after the accident whether you are injured, it is best to do a quick check to see if you have any visible injuries. Make sure that you err on the side of caution because you want to get treatment for your injuries as soon as possible. You should also check to see if the other driver has been injured and call for help for them if it is necessary.
In order to document what happened during the accident and at the scene, it is necessary to have an accident report. You will get this by calling the police to come to the scene of the accident. The police will not make a determination of liability, but if there has been a moving violation, they may issue a citation. In many states, you will also need an accident report to file a claim with the insurance.
You will only have one chance to document the accident scene as it appeared at the time of the accident. After the cars are cleared, you will lose valuable evidence. Assuming that you are uninjured and are able to do so, take as many pictures and as much video as you can in order to preserve the evidence. Once the cars are moved and the accident scene is cleared, you will lose the ability to show things as they were right after the crash.
Depending on where the accident occurs and the condition of your car, you should try to move your car out of the travel lanes and to the side of the road. This will help keep traffic moving and get you out of the path of oncoming traffic. You will need to deal with various things at the scene of the crash, and you will be physically safer if you do not run the risk of being hit by an oncoming vehicle.
Teen drivers will likely panic since they have never been in an accident before. However, even if it was your fault, do not admit it at the scene and let the insurance companies make that determination. What you say at the scene of the accident can be used against you later in time. In addition, do not engage the other driver to blame them for what happened. Simply obtain their information and have the necessary conversation with your insurance company.
While it is a difficult call to make, especially if you were driving in their car, your parents or guardians need to be informed of the accident immediately. They may have a better idea of how to deal with the situation and what you should do after the accident. They may also be able to help you by making calls on your behalf, allowing you to focus on documenting the scene of the accident.
If you are hurt, you need to get treatment. If you have been injured, it is always best to get treatment at the scene of the accident and should not refuse treatment. Not only is this critical for taking care of your physical health, but prompt treatment will also help you document your injuries for a potential insurance claim or lawsuit later in time.
You will never be able to remember everything that you need to after an accident. Aside from the fact that names and numbers will come flying at you, the trauma of the car accident may make your memory hazy. Do not trust yourself to remember anything. Make sure that you keep copious notes at the scene of the accident so you have things where and when you need them in the future.
The insurance company will need to know about the accident in order to begin handling the claims process and dealing with the other driver’s insurance company. Either at the scene of the accident or right after you leave the scene (obviously after you have exchanged information and called the police), you should contact your insurance company and give them the details that they need to know to start the process.
Towing Company #1
Towing Company #2
Towing Company #3
Mechanic #1
Mechanic #2
Mechanic #3
1. Other Driver’s Name and DL#
2. Address
3. Other Driver’s Insurance Company
4. Policy Number
5. Other Car Owner’s Name
6. Address
7. Witnesses Names
8. Phone Numbers
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