Steve Roberts, LLC
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For immediate help from an experienced car accident lawyer in Denver, reach out to Steve Roberts today.
Car accidents are one of the most common sources of injury in our state and throughout the nation.
In fact, there are literally thousands of car crashes throughout our country reported each day.
There are a number of things that a driver can do to reduce their risk of a crash.
They can ensure their vehicle is well-maintained.
They can reduce distractions, slow speed, and more.
Still, nothing can prepare a driver for the gross negligence of another on the road. And one of the most dangerous threats on Colorado roads is that of drunk drivers. If a drunk driver hit you in Colorado and you suffered harm, you deserve compensation. To start the process of recovering damages for the injuries you’ve incurred, call our Colorado motor vehicle accident attorneys at Roberts Accident Law for your free consultation today.
Drunk driving is a problem both in our own state and throughout the nation. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports that 29 people die daily in the United States die in alcohol-impaired vehicle crashes. This means that one person dies every 50 minutes. In the year 2016, there were a total of 10,497 people killed in drunk driving crashes throughout our country.
The data is also grim in Colorado. In 2016, there were 500 fatal and injury crashes resulting from alcohol-impaired drivers; in 2017, this number slightly increased to 504, as reported by the Colorado State Patrol Department of Public Safety. There were also 3,018 proactive DUI citations given out in 2017, as well as 1,413 reactive DUI citations. This means that there are thousands of drivers driving drunk on our state’s roads – a terrifying thought.
The statistics above speak for themselves: drunk drivers cause thousands of fatal accidents every year. When accidents are not fatal, they may still be very terrible and tragic. Those involved in a drunk driving crash but do not suffer fatal injuries may incur injuries such as:
The injuries above are very serious, and may permanently alter the course of an injured person’s life. The above injuries may be extremely expensive to treat. This creates questions about how the victim will pay for their medical care. It may be disabling and lead to loss of work and loss of ability to do basic things, including performing self-care; and may lead to a loss of quality of life. All of these things are not only emotionally stressful, potentially leading to anxiety, depression, or post-traumatic stress disorder, but physically stressful, too. Those who are seriously injured may suffer severe economic harm as a result of a drunk driving accident. It can leave them unable to provide for themselves or their family.
If you a drunk driver caused an accident that injured you, you deserve compensation for your losses. Roberts Accident Law can help you to prove each element of the personal injury claim process, including:
As stated above, both economic and noneconomic damages are recoverable after a serious crash caused by a drunk driver. Our lawyers will advocate for your right to recover compensation for your:
In large part, the amount of compensation that you can recover comes from not only on the value of damages you have suffered but also on the sources and amounts of insurance coverage available.
Those who suffer injuries as a result of motor vehicle-related accidents have three years from the date of the accident to pursue compensation for harm. If you wait longer than three years from the date of your accident to file your suit, you may not be able to recover damages. We recommend meeting with a skilled attorney. You need someone with experience bringing claims against drunk drivers. Hire them as soon as possible following your accident.
Working with a lawyer can make a significant difference in your accident claim. If a drunk driver hit you, you deserve representation from a qualified lawyer who will aggressively advocate for you. At Roberts Accident Law, we have the knowledge and reputation you can count on. Please call us today or send us a message to schedule your free, no-obligation consultation.
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