Steve Roberts, LLC
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If you’re injured in a car accident, you’ll need help getting the compensation you deserve for your injuries. To get your fair compensation, reach out to a lawyer in Denver for the help you need.
For most of us, driving is just a natural part of our lives. We drive to work, to see friends, or even to get to new places via the Denver International Airport or other travel hubs. Unfortunately, all that time behind the wheel means that there’s a better chance of being involved in a car crash.
The lawyers at Roberts Accident Law know just how serious this can be. Auto accidents aren’t easy to recover from, which means you’ll need help. Fortunately, a Denver car accident lawyer can guide you through the elements of your claim and help you recover.
If you are looking for the best Denver car accident lawyer near you, contact Roberts Accident Law, LLC at 720-515-7058 for a Free Consultation.
When you’re in a Denver auto wreck, chances are good that you’ve suffered severe injuries. It’s already bad enough that someone was careless with your safety. Now, you’re dealing with severe pain and suffering. While cars have become safer over the years, serious injuries do happen.
While your seat belt, airbag, or other safety features may have saved your life, you’ll still need to seek out medical care. That’s true even if you feel fine. Unfortunately, many people suffer severe injuries that they don’t feel. These can turn deadly if you don’t get help, so make sure you visit the hospital now.
Serious injuries can be difficult to overcome, so you’ll need to move fast to determine your injuries and act on them. Make sure you seek compensation for all your injuries, including any of the following:
No matter where you live in Colorado, fatal car accidents are happening all around you. In fact, in 2018, 632 fatal car accidents occurred in the state, that’s more than one every day. However, some counties are safer than others. The following is a breakdown of the most dangerous and safe counties to travel in Colorado.
While this list is only capturing the most serious of accidents, thousands of more accidents happen on a daily basis. Accidents that leave victims terrified and can take weeks, or even months, to get back on their feet. Even after this recovery time, many will not ever fully recover from their injuries. There’s a chance they will have to struggle with a painful, debilitating injury for the rest of their life.
Some intersections in Denver are much more dangerous than others. According to 9News the top seven most dangerous intersections for a vehicle collision in 2018 were:
But intersections are not just dangerous to other vehicles are also dangerous to pedestrians. According to the same research, the most dangerous intersections for pedestrians are:
For many of us who have been driving for decades, many of the rules of the road become second nature. We know when, where, and how to handle our vehicles to avoid accidents and injuries. However, many drivers choose not to follow these rules and put everyone’s life at risk daily. Whether they have become too comfortable with the rules of the road, are over-confident as drivers, believe that traffic laws are just “suggestions”, or have an actual disregard for others’ safety. These behaviors lead to many injuries and fatal accidents daily. Where many of these accidents can be caused purely by error, they can all lead to serious injury for you and your passengers. The following is a list from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) of the most driving behaviors that lead to the most frequent accidents.
Speeding Accidents: According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), the leading cause of auto fatalities in 2018, was “driving too fast for conditions or in excess of posted limit or racing.” These types of auto accidents accounted for 16.7% of auto accidents.
Drunk Driving
We all know that driving while under the influence is dangerous; however, many still do it. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) in 2018 in the state of Colorado, 188 alcohol-impaired driving fatalities accounted for 30% of the 632 deaths throughout the entire year.
Failure to Keep in Proper Lane
7% of national driving accidents occur when drivers fail to yield or violate the right-of-way laws. These laws that govern who goes first are based in courtesy and common sense and work to protect both motorists and pedestrians from injury and property damage.
Distracted Driving
Distracted Driving accounts for around 5.2% of all driving accidents. It can include anything that takes your attention from the road. This could include eating, drinking, talking on the phone or to a passenger, adjusting the radio or cd/mp3 player, texting while driving, and so on.
Careless Manner/Reckless Driving
Reckless driving is classified as a criminal offense where individuals willfully disregard the rules of the rule and put others’ safety in jeopardy. On the other hand, careless driving is a civil traffic violation where individuals fail to drive carefully and prudently. Whether intentional or not, these types of accidents account for 9.2% of traffic accidents.
Failure to Obey Traffic Signs, Signals, or Officer
3.9% of traffic fatalities are caused by individuals not following the traffic fixtures installed to keep you, other drivers, and pedestrians safe.
Overcorrecting is a dangerous and common mistake many drivers make. It accounts for 3.1% of all driving accidents and accords when drivers grab their steering wheel and abruptly turn it in the opposite direction from where the car is going. This generally occurs when people are trying to avoid hitting an object, another motorist, or an animal, or over-adjusting during certain weather conditions.
Vision Obscured (rain, snow, glare, lights, buildings, trees, etc.)
3% of accidents are caused by the driver’s vision being obstructed by an object, weather conditions, the sun, or when other drivers fail to turn off their high beams.
Drowsy, Asleep, Fatigued, Ill, or Blacked Out
Drowsy driving is more common than you might think. The National Sleep Foundation reports that more than a quarter of drivers has admitted to having driven while they were too sleepy to keep their eyes open within the past month. They also estimate that 16.5% of deadly traffic accidents are caused by falling asleep at the wheel.
Swerving or avoiding due to wind, slippery surface, etc
Weather conditions can play a huge role in auto accidents. Whether it’s the wind moving your vehicle in one direction or any or icy/slippery road conditions, 2.3% of accidents occur when drivers try to avoid them.
There’s nothing quite like the heart-stopping feeling that comes to a split-second before an accident. Whether it could have been avoided or not, accidents happen. Knowing what to do immediately following an accident is crucial to the outcome when it comes to claims. Having an attorney to call upon in these situations is a huge benefit. What are the appropriate steps to take in the aftermath of an accident? You can also use this Colorado Car Accident checklist.
1. Don’t panic. – When the nerves are shot and the adrenaline is spiking, it might be hard to keep it together. It’s important not to panic. The brain keeps a better inventory of events when it’s calm and rational. Try to stay calm and be observant.
2. Don’t leave the accident site. – Cooperation is of utmost importance and leaving the scene can result in a hit-and-run charge. Stay put until the appropriate authorities have been notified.
3. Make sure everyone is alright and offer reasonable assistance. – Before checking the damage of automobiles and property, check with all parties involved to see if medical attention is required. Call 911 if immediate help is needed. Cooperation in assisting other parties is crucial.
4. Move out of the way, if possible. – If no one is seriously injured and the vehicles are able to be moved, pull them over to the side. Then proceed to remove any obstructions from the road to prevent further accidents from happening.
5. Don’t Admit Fault or Apologize. – Accepting blame or making it seem like you are responsible will do nothing but cause trouble when you file an injury claim. Other parties and insurers will make every effort to use your apology as an admission of fault and, in turn, deny (or minimize) your request for compensation.
6. Contact the authorities. – Call the police and report the accident. They will send a unit to collect the report and direct traffic if needed.
7. Exchange information with those involved. – The more information that can be acquired is better. Remember to get names, phone numbers, insurance information, and a license plate number.
8. Take Notes – Most attorneys recommend that you write down all the important details of the accident. Some important questions to answer are “What speed were you and the other driver traveling at?”, “What time of the day was it and how much light did you have?” “Did the driver have their lights on were all appropriate signals made?”, and “What were the road and weather conditions like?”
9. Talk to people who saw what happened. – Eyewitness accounts can be very helpful in determining what really happened. This can be used to determine who is at fault.
10. Seek medical attention. – If an injury occurs, seek medical attention. Keep all records for future claims of restitution.
11. Contact the insurance company. – Informing the insurance company sets the ball in motion to determine who pays for the damage and how much is paid. Always tell the truth when recounting incidents.
12. Get an auto repair estimation. – An estimation will say approximately what it will cost to repair the vehicle. This will be needed for the insurance company to determine how much to pay.
13. Call an attorney. – This can be done at any time throughout the process to make sure everything goes as smoothly as possible. An attorney can help acquire more compensation than an insurance company is willing to payout. Always contact an attorney before agreeing on a settlement.
Automobile accidents can be very scary and confusing but try to remember to take notes of what happened, what was seen, and who was talked to. Take pictures of vehicles, the accident site, and any injuries. Never admit fault and contact an attorney with any questions.
Not every crash seems that serious, and you may not be sure whether it’s appropriate to get a Denver attorney involved, or whether you should just exchange insurance information and move on.
In Colorado, however, almost all car accidents must be reported. If any property damage has been done, or if anyone was injured or killed in the accident, you’ll need to call 911 and report the accident to the police as soon as possible. From there, the drivers or the police officer, depending on how serious the accident was, will need to file a crash report. You will also want to get a traffic accident report from the Denver police department.
Fortunately, your lawyer can help you with this process. These reports may be filed online with the Department of Revenue, so if you’re concerned about the details of your car crash, contact an attorney to help you file your report.
Once you’ve reported the vehicle crash in Denver, you’ll also need to notify your insurance company. Many Colorado drivers may choose to file a claim with their insurance company, which will usually review their claim and settle with them. The insurance company will offer a settlement, then pursue the at-fault party for the funds they’re responsible for, in a process called subrogation.
However, this process isn’t always the best option for injury victims. It’s unfortunate, but the insurance company isn’t always willing to work with you, and they don’t always have your best interests in mind. They’re a for-profit company, which means they may offer you a lower settlement just to protect their profits. That means they’re putting investors before you.
Unfortunately, that means that many people who trust their insurers to settle fairly are left with a settlement that doesn’t cover their needs. That’s why you’ll need to talk to your attorney in Denver, who can help you determine whether you’re getting a fair settlement.
If you’re not getting the settlement you need, you may need to seek compensation from the at-fault party. Sadly, not every claim is simple. While you hope for the option to sue the other driver and move on, you may need a lawyer’s help to dig deeper.
For example, you may have been in a multi-car accident. You weren’t the only one injured, and many people are seeking compensation for their injuries. In these cases, your Denver car crash attorney may review the evidence or seek out expert witnesses to reconstruct the accident and find which driver was responsible for the wreck. Or if you were involved in an accident where the responsible party was a truck driver or a delivery driver the laws can be different when trying to seek compensation.
In other cases, you may have been the only driver on the road, but you don’t believe you were at fault for your accident. Indeed, other factors could have caused your accident, like a defective part or a fault in the road. Your lawyer can review the scene and help you determine what happened.
Most minor automobile accidents are simple, like bumping into someone in a parking lot or a rear-end collision at a stoplight. They only involve the exchange of insurance paperwork and contact information between two parties. More severe or life-threatening automobile accidents require emergency personnel and immediate medical treatment. Beyond that, recovering from injuries incurred during an automobile accident can take months or even years. Needless to say, if you find yourself in the midst of a complex automobile collision that left you or a loved one seriously injured, you may be entitled to some financial compensation from the responsible party.
When you’re hurt because of someone else’s carelessness, you should be compensated for those losses. You shouldn’t have to pay for the damage they did to you physically, financially, and emotionally. These losses, called damages, can be tough to calculate, so speak to your accident attorney about the tools you’ll need. For example, you might know what it will cost to repair your car, but you may also be unable to work as much as you did before. You’ll need help finding the value of that lost earning capacity.
Every auto automobile accident is going to look different, and what kind of damages you can claim if the case goes to trial vary from case to case. To keep things simple, there are two major categories when it comes to damages, which are economic and non-economic.
Economic Damages
Economic Damages can be thought of as anything related to an accident that involves dollars and cents; this includes ideas like hospital expenses, lost wages, property damage, etc. When you get into an automobile accident, it’s crucial to save every receipt, bill, and invoice. The paper trail of expenses will help your legal counsel determine exactly how much they can seek from the defendant. Other expenses you can claim even after the accident include lost wages, physical therapy, and property damage.
Non-Economic Damages
Non-economic damages are often called pain and suffering costs. These types of damages are much harder to put a price tag on because they are not related to bills incurred or medical expenses; they are related to your physical, mental, and emotional health, such as mental trauma, pain, suffering, etc. Some examples include a life-altering injury that doesn’t allow you to interact with your family in the same way or mental health issues that require counseling or medication. It should also be noted that if someone has lost a spouse or loved one due to an automobile accident, they may be able to make a case for non-economic damages. These losses are intangible, so they can be especially hard to calculate. That’s why you’ll need the right tools to calculate these losses, which will depend on how much of an impact your injuries made on your life.
As mentioned above, the details of auto accident cases can vary widely, making it difficult to determine an exact dollar amount for every case. When discussing economic damages, it’s much easier to determine how much a defendant owes a plaintiff. With non-economic damages, some law firms use a multiplier or other calculation to find a reasonable dollar amount owed. An auto accident case is often a combination of both economic and non-economic damages, which is why it is crucial to seek legal counsel to help you put a solid case together.
For more information on calculating damages click here!
You may be asking yourself if a legal team is worth it, or if they can really deliver you the kind of compensation that will help you start to get your life back to normal. Our answer is of course yes, because you need a confident and knowledgeable attorney who will not only represent you well in the courtroom but also to the massive insurance companies that are handling the claims of both you and the defendant. Getting a sizable settlement from any insurance company requires tenacity and a strong case, which our team at Roberts Accident Law would love to help you put together.
Unfortunately, you’ll need to prepare more than the details of what your claim is worth. You’ll also need to understand the laws in Colorado that could affect your Denver injury claim. If you’re not prepared, you could lose the compensation you need to fully recover.
For example, you’ll first need to remember that you have a limited time to file. Colorado residents will have only three years to file their car accident claims. If you fail to file in time, your claim can be dismissed. That would leave you without the compensation you need to recover.
You’ll also need to make sure you don’t accept any blame for the accident. Colorado observes modified comparative negligence, which means that you could be found partly at fault for the wreck. If that happens, you could lose a portion of your compensation equal to your percentage of fault.
For example, if you’ve found 20 percent at fault for the crash, you’ll lose 20 percent of your compensation. That means you’ll have to recover with only 80 percent of your full compensation. Worse, if you’re found at fault for more than half the accident, you’ll be completely unable to recover compensation.
A car accident can be a very terrifying experience. With valuable lives on the line, the moment of collision and the time that follows can cause an overwhelming amount of mental anguish. This mental anguish is only a small part of the process yet to come. A million questions arise and you’re looking for someone to turn to. This is where a car accident lawyer can help.
A Denver personal injury lawyer is a valuable asset in the time of chaos that follows a car accident. There are many ways a lawyer can help and reasons why you should hire one.
• Answers to any questions you have. A lawyer either has the answers, or they can find them, to questions like, “Who pays the damage?”, “What will insurance cover?”, “Will I get compensated for lost wages?” and many others that you might have.
• Determine who is at fault – Some states are ‘no fault’ states, to which this doesn’t apply. Figuring out who caused the accident makes a difference in deciding who pays for the damage. The person who is at fault is responsible for compensating.
• Deals with insurance companies. – Insurance companies want to pay out as little as they possibly can. Having a lawyer on your side can ensure that you get the maximum compensation as quickly as possible.
• Advocates for you. – A lawyer can speak for you in an attempt to gather essential information. They can then organize this information and create a settlement demand.
Not all car accidents require a lawyer. If there is minimal damage and no one was injured, then a settlement can usually be easily agreed upon. However; if any of these occur, then you may need to line up an attorney.
There may be a stage of limitations, which is a time limit to file a lawsuit. Usually, this is around two years from when the accident occurs. So contacting a lawyer as soon as possible would be in your best interests. Always contact a lawyer before agreeing to a settlement from an insurance company. They might try to pay out before the full extent of medical bills is reached. Having a lawyer is like having your own personal gladiator who is experienced in knowing the laws and rules and will fight, just for you.
Five Steps to Take After a Car Accident – The steps immediately following a car accident are critical. Learn what you need to do after the crash. Read on…
How is Fault Determined in Colorado Car Accidents? – Compensation in Colorado car accidents depends largely on fault. Learn about how officials determine fault and how it applies to your accident. Read on…
Should You Take a Settlement Offer from the Insurance Company? – Remember that an insurance company does NOT have your best interests in mind. They are trying to help their bottom line and pay out as little as possible. So what should you do when you get an offer? Learn more ahead. Read on…
Signs You Should Get a Lawyer After a Car Accident – There are several factors that immediately indicate you should talk to an attorney. Are you hurt? How much damage was caused? These factors and more will play a part in determining if you need an attorney. Read on…
Is Colorado a No-Fault Accident State? – Simply put, no, Colorado is not a “no-fault” state. But what is no-fault and how can it impact your settlement? Read on…
Getting a Traffic Report from the Denver Police Department – A traffic report is a critical piece of evidence in your case. Learn how you can get from the Denver PD. Read on…
Settlements for Pain and Suffering from Car Accidents – Car accidents cause more than painful physical injuries. Depending on severity, healing and rehab can be extremely painful. You also may suffer a diminished quality of life. You deserve compensation. Read on…;
I Was Hit By a Drunk Driver, Can I Sue? – Most likely, yes, but it’s best to consult with an attorney first. These cases are rare, but often serious. Learn what to do after the accident. Read on…‘
When you’re injured in a car accident, you might find yourself struggling to find the answers you need. You’re hurt, and you’re not sure where to begin with your claim. You’re struggling to understand what happened and who or what is to blame.
Fortunately, the attorneys at Roberts Accident Law can help you get the answers you need, starting with a Denver car accident FAQ. We understand how lonely and confusing filing your claim alone can be. That’s why we focus on helping you get the full compensation you need by getting you the answers you need.
Start here, and then feel free to call our office for more personalized answers.
Although you’ll still be allowed to sue, it’s important to focus on proving you weren’t at fault. If you accept part of the fault, your compensation could be reduced by that amount of fault. That means a claim worth $100,000, for example, would be reduced to $75,000 if you’re found 25 percent at fault.
If you’re found more than 51 percent at fault for the accident, you could lose your compensation entirely. Because of this, we recommend speaking to a lawyer before you say anything about your claim.
When you’re hurt in a car crash, your compensation should cover all of your damages, which are the losses you’ve suffered in an accident. These damages can be financial, which means they have a specific price attached to them, or they can be non-economic, which covers mental and emotional trauma that often accompanies an auto accident.
Calculating these can be tough. You might know the worth of your car repairs, but what about your current and future medical bills? Worse, your mental and emotional trauma, such as pain and suffering, is intangible. That means you’ll need to calculate them based on their relative impact on your life. These calculations can be tough without the help of an attorney and the right resources.
Sometimes your insurance company might simply not have your best interests at heart. As a for-profit business, profits come first. Unfortunately, that leaves many people settling for less than their claim is worth or handling their expenses themselves. Instead, it’s best to seek out an attorney and ensure you’re getting the full and true settlement amount.
Keep in mind that every case is calculated on a case-by-case basis as no personal injury claims are the same. However, most personal injury cases are charged based on a Contingency Fee system. That means that your lawyer will get a certain percentage of your total settlement minus any expenses they might have incurred.
To put this into perspective, let’s say you and your attorney agree on a 35% contingency fee at the beginning of your case. During the case, your attorney incurs expenses of $1,000 and gets a settlement of $20,000. You would first subtract the expenses from the settlement leaving you with $19,000. Then take the 35% contingency fee from the remaining balance about leaving you with $12,350.
That depends; if it was a minor accident and there was little damage and no injuries, then getting a lawyer might not be the best option. However, if the auto accident resulted in a significant injury such as fractured bones, disfigurement, limited use of a body part, organ, or body function, or any injury-causing disability, it would be in your best interest to get a lawyer.
These types of injury cases can be complex, and having a trusted lawyer on your side can help ensure you get the compensation for your claim that is proportionate for the injuries you or your loved one has have suffered.
For basic car accident settlements, the average turnaround time is about 15 to 90 days. However, for more extensive cases, the process could take much longer.
Colorado Law states that drivers owe a duty of care to other motorists on the road. When that duty is breached and results in an auto accident injury, the negligent driver can be held accountable.
Examples of negligent driving are:
If you are looking for the best Denver car accident lawyer near you, contact Roberts Accident Law, LLC at 720-515-7058 for a Free Consultation.
No two car accident claims are alike, and most require the detailed and personalized attention that a dedicated attorney can offer.
That’s where the lawyers at Roberts Accident Law can help. We offer free consultations where you can get the answers you need for your unique claim. With these answers, you can spend more time working on your recovery, not just on chasing the funds you need for recovery.
When you’re ready to get started, reach out to your attorney to begin. Call 720-515-7058 or fill out the online form for more information on your consultation.
At Roberts Accident Law, we want to see our clients recover from the suffering they’ve been put through. That’s why we offer free consultations. We want you to know how we can help and what we can do for you before we begin.
When you’re ready to get started, your Denver car accident lawyer is waiting. Reach out by calling 720-515-7058 or by filling out the online form below.
Here’s what Michael Diyanni in Ontario had to say about us on Google:
“Mr. Roberts is the first person I think of when friends and family need the help of a lawyer. I have come to Steve with many legal questions. He has come through every time with solid answers and advice. Steve is excellent at explaining the details without talking down to you or over your head. I am always impressed by his ability to be professional and fun at the same time. When you meet with him, you will have an understanding that not only is he passionate about what he does, but he really cares about delivering the best results possible for his clients.
Trust Steve, he’s always professional and never disappoints!”
Rating: 5/5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Date: 7-8-2014
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